The foundation promotes independent activity in Cuba to strengthen Cuban society and has the objective to support the humanitarian aid projects in, or related to, Cuba that are designed to directly benefit the Cuban people.
As a non-profit, the Foundation is committed to respecting all current OFAC rules and regulations. Therefore, HFC will obtain all the necessary OFAC licenses to complete all HFC humanitarian mission. All the HFC OFAC compliances will be monitored by Winston & Strawn, LLC, the HFC general counsel, headquartered in Washington, D.C.
The Key Objectives listed below, in accordance with all OFAC rules & regulations, highlight the focus of the foundation today.
Humanitarian Aid
Medical Supplies, Research & Treatment
Entrepreneurial & Educational Training
Providing humanitarian aid for the Cuban people participating in projects to meet basic human needs for the Cuban people, such as the donation of food and supplies.
Conducting humanitarian projects relating to medical and health-related matters, including the intention to donate medical supplies or equipment. Medical research and sharing of best practices such as sharing scientific and medical expertise in pursuit of our common goal of ending the Covid 19 pandemic and other health and environmental threats to the Cuban People.
Promote entrepreneurship and business, within Cuba or off-island. Hope for Cuba will promote the creation of entrepreneurial opportunities and related business training through formal and informal educational training. Hope for Cuba recognizes that a well-educated and skilled entrepreneurial class is essential to fulfillment of the Cuban people's hopes for a better future. HFC will partner with business-oriented academic and training institutions to make this happen.
Cultural Exchange
Environmental Policy
Promoting cultural exchange through seminars, joint forums, people to people exchanges, and collaboration of business communities and associations.
Conducting environmental research and participating in or conducting projects promoting a practice that helps save the environment, promotes sustainability, reduces bad air emissions, promotes renewable energy and water conservation, and reduces dependency on fossils fuels.
Promoting and supporting a path to achieving full normalization of commercial relations between the Americans and the Cuban people through respectful dialogue and engagement; as stated in 1998 by Pope John Paul II (St. John Paul) during his historic trip to Cuba that.."the world must open up to Cuba and Cuba must open up to the world..."
Conduct all incidental transactions to the objectives stated above, such as organizing travel to Cuba (including paying for ordinary travel expenses) and all monetary transactions necessary to successfully attain the objectives, such as accepting donations to fund licensed activity in or relating to Cuba. Supporting the Cuban people, through licensed activities and exchanges, in accordance with OFAC regulations as verified by HFC general counsel at Winston and Strawn, LLP, Washington, DC. The foundation may organize OFAC-licensed trips to Cuba.